The movement has begun... and its spreading.
Many have been trying to answer the question, Is blogging a competition?
And the answer is No, never. How could it be? This question infers that there is a good and bad type of blogger, but the actual truth is that the blogging media is only in competition with the widespread media, those stories that when you turn on the television, radio or log on are all from ...well, the associated press, which I have no qualm with, but I kinda dislike repetition, the same story every 15 minutes annoys me to no end. I mean, frank.
Bloggers are a community, mutually beneficial, that found there was news and information the public needed but weren't getting. They get inspiration from other blogs, advertisements, their everyday lives, personal business, etc., and they're driven by the need to share, teach and receive feedback. Which is why I felt compelled to blog about this movement.
After a few weeks of reading and commenting on some of my favorite blogs I logged onto LinkedIn and found this conversation on the Black Enterprise Network...its an actual network of business owners, not a game of "who can get the most".
The FAN PAGE EXCHANGE is a promotional tool, kinda like #teamfollowback for facebook, much like the Black Blogger Network, helping business owners cross reference each other, build with each other and ofcourse, exchange support. I urge all of you to read about the businesses that are self promoting themselves, much like blogs via their Facebook pages...so read up and by all means, support your local and national small business.
Social media is really on fire right on. I am participating in several Linkedin Fan Page Exchanges, and as a result, there are several testimonies of where business professionals now have over 600 fans in a short period of time. If you would like to increase your fans, please participate in this exchange. Supporting each other through social media is what it is about today. Thanks for participating.
Here's the simple instructions:
1) Post Your Fan Page Url for Other Members to Become a Fan
2) Anyone that Replies that they have become a fan, then you become a fan of their page.
3) Become a fan of everyone that is listed, and post a reply to each person that you have become a fan of.
4) Log in everyday to add more fans
oooh...and check out my about.me/chrisbethany page ... it leads you to all of my social networking sites.
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